Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Victorian Trading Company Christmas Show

While setting up for the three day show at Victorian Trading Company Christmas show, I told another Artist who was setting up, "When I die and go to heaven, this is going to be what crafts shows are like....opulent velvet covered furniture, beautiful carpets, fine art on the wall.....if the clientele is as classy as the teas room, it's going to be a great show."

A few of the beautiful bags and purses from Sarchies Untamed Tapestries, created by Mary Lee

Well, it was a great show.  The Management and Staff of the store were wonderful, the clientele was intelligent and discerning, the other artists were a delight to work with, and the sales were beyond my expectations. 
A few of Sandy Dales' musical Gnarlies play tunes on a marquetry table to a collection of her illustrated cards

All of this, and live music as well, provided by the strolling violinist Stephen Golightly...beautiful tunes in a wonderous setting. 

Antique silverware & beaded Jewelry from Beaded Baubles, created by Jeanie Rosenberg

Needless to say, with the music, the new friends, the tea & cookies....I had a great time. 
Part of my display

 Much thanks to all who made this event  the success that it was,  I hope to see you next year!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My new FSF (Favorite Store Forever)

I know, it's been a while since my last blog entry.  The last day of the Victorian Trading Company's Christmas show, there was a death in my family.  This not being the appropriate forum  to discuss the who, what, or how of what happened, suffice it to say that for the next several weeks my mind was elsewhere than business. 

With the holidays fast approaching, Al and I jumped in the car and drove to New York to spend Christmas with my parents.  My Mother went above and beyond the call of Christmas duty, as Mother's are want to do.  Fruit cake, libations, and a good time was had by all.

Now that we are back and I've had some time to assimilate, I wanted to share with you the wonderful time I had at a wonderful show in a wonderful store during (to quote Andy Williams) the most wonderful time of the year.

Some of the new pieces I took to the Victorian Trading Company Christmas Show


Those of you who know me know also that I like to shop.  I even dream about it.  In my dreams the stores are filled with beautiful eclectic clothes, furniture and art.  I wander around in different alcoves, each unique unto itself filled with matching accouterments, nick-knacks and clothing.  I talk with the Sales Associates and, in my dreams, they share my enthusiasm in an intelligent yet unobtrusive manner, and bring me tea and peppermint cookies.

If you live in the Kansas City area,  my dream store can be your dream come true.  The Victorian Trading Company in Prairie Village  offers all that I mentioned above and even has ( I hadn't even dreamt of this) a beautiful Tea Room where you can sit and sip and ponder which piece will be going home with you. 

It was in the Tea Room that myself and five other artists were allowed to display our wares, amongst the beautiful hand carved velvet upholstered furniture, Persian carpets and Victorian eclectica.

More on this in my next blog...."Craft shows in Heaven"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Say the Secret Words.....Get 15% off of purchase at my booth at the Victorian Trading Companys' Open House!

The Victorian Trading Company, in Prairie Village, Kansas was gracious enough to ask Linda to participate in their 25th Annual Holiday Open House from December 2nd through December 4th.  She has kicked into the holiday mode and has  been playing with lots of sparkle, lace and glitter, creating some pieces that We hope will put you in the Holiday mode as well.

If you're in the Kansas City area and are looking for a unique, old-time Christmas shopping experience, drop by.  Linda and the other attending Artists will be showing their creations in the Tea Room.  The Victorian Trading Company is located at 4107 W. 83rd (corner of 83rd and Mission, in Corinth Square), Prairie Village).  Lastly, if you do attend and make a purchase from Linda, if you whisper "Al sent me" to her, she will give you 15% off of your total purchase price! 
Thanks, and please check out the pictures below,

Headbands & Fascinators, Just a few of the goodies I'll be bringing....

A few more photos....

I'll be bringing a lot more fascinators than pictured above, also some Christmas hats and Snoods that I've created.Hope to see you there!    .....Linda

Monday, November 22, 2010

Facial Frame for Christmas

 Fresh from a supplier, a new manaquin.   (The Face)

And fresh from Lindaland (my name for Linda's Studio) a new Christmas Extravaganza  (the Frame)

Now, as we all know, a picture without a frame is just.....a picture
and a frame without a picture is just.....a frame
put them together, and though they both retain their essence, they, together have become something greater than either was by itself. And they have become something larger than the sum of their parts.
They have become a new creation, a statement.....they have become Art.....

Why not consider giving your own picture a frame?  If a shiny, bald, plastic head can look this good, just imagine......

Sunday, November 21, 2010

To blog

Having spent the better part of the morning setting up our new (and first) blog, I've reached the point where I actually get to say something. 

When I started, the words were flowing, the ideas perculating, the descriptions of all the wonderful new products that are in the works, or completed were fairly rolling off my minds' tongue.


"What template would you like to use?"  "What color & size font?" " Which widget?" "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?"

With each choice made, came doubt..."hmm....maybe I should try this 'bout that background?.....better, but now I have to change the font color...."

And so it went.....for 2 hours.....

Needless to say, all of those wonderfully literate alliterations that were percolating, percolated out of my mind and into the ether of unrealized realizations...

Maybe tomorrow today's ideas will find their place on paper (or virtual paper, as the case may be).  But for way!
