Sunday, November 21, 2010

To blog

Having spent the better part of the morning setting up our new (and first) blog, I've reached the point where I actually get to say something. 

When I started, the words were flowing, the ideas perculating, the descriptions of all the wonderful new products that are in the works, or completed were fairly rolling off my minds' tongue.


"What template would you like to use?"  "What color & size font?" " Which widget?" "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?"

With each choice made, came doubt..."hmm....maybe I should try this 'bout that background?.....better, but now I have to change the font color...."

And so it went.....for 2 hours.....

Needless to say, all of those wonderfully literate alliterations that were percolating, percolated out of my mind and into the ether of unrealized realizations...

Maybe tomorrow today's ideas will find their place on paper (or virtual paper, as the case may be).  But for way!



  1. I have several Hairloom garlands. Does anyone know how I should take care of them in the off season? Should I hang it on a wall like a wreath or what?

  2. Great Question, Terri...

    They require no food nor water, so it's not so much a matter of taking care of them as it is finding a place for them in your house that allows you to enjoy them when they are not on your head.

    In our house they are not only hanging on the wall, but also over curtain rods, on top of lamps, on stuffed animals, occasionally on the dog, and sometimes,
    very late at night,
    after a bottle of wine,
    I will put one on and prance around the house while singing the tune "I feel pretty" from West Side Story...but I would appreciate it if that remained our little secret.
    Thanks for your question & your business...hope to see you in the future,

  3. Thanks for the lampshade idea. That also gives me two options when I want to prance around after a bottle of wine. Seriously, I've enjoyed my hair garlands for many years. Thank you for such a high quality product. They are as pretty now as they were when I bought them.
